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Normally, when a gay man dies of an overdose in the bed of an actress in Beverly Hills the day before the Oscars, no one bats so much as an eyelash; a quick call to an agent has the body disposed of in the desert within hours. But when that actress is Carrie Fisher and the gay man is a election-fixing Republican operative, the story goes from a casual "Hey, that's a shame," over morning coffee to "Holy shit, Ron, find out who has the fucking rights to this and get them on the fucking phone yesterday, and why is there Equal in my coffee, you no good desk monkey piece of shit?!?" The NYT dives deep into the story of Fisher and shadowy Republican fixer R. Gregory Stevens, which inexplicably got little to no media play until now:

ON the morning of Saturday, Feb. 26, a day before the Academy Awards, the actress Carrie Fisher woke up in her Beverly Hills home next to the lifeless body of a gay Republican political operative named R. Gregory Stevens [...] it launched him on a jet-setting career as a political fixer manipulating elections in backrooms and palaces from Costa Rica to Croatia, Thailand to Togo, South Korea to the former Soviet Union.

As if that wouldn't be more than enough to send every executive in town scrambling for the rights (early casting calls go out to Sean Penn, Hugh Jackman, and if his people have anything to say about it, Kevin Spacey), there's even something for the kids!

As a boy growing up near the beach in San Clemente, things always seemed to happen to Mr. Stevens that no one else could imagine, his aunt, Normajean Hinders, recalled: he once was followed home by a seal that simply refused to go back out to sea.

This embarrassment of riches is going to be a mouthful of a pitch: It's like Postcards From the Edge meets The Manchurian Candidate and Hurlyburly, but with a gay spin and a serious-Redford feel—but light at heart!—and with a little Andre thrown in. This should get interesting, and at least three more people should turn up dead before all is said and done. You know, just to shore up the third act problems.