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Just a quick note to fellow devotees of the stream-of-consciousness, semihaiku house of literary delights that is Rosie O'Donnell's blog: She's moved the site from its former home in the blogspot ghetto to the rapidly-gentrifying neighborhood of Update your RSS feeds and bookmarks accordingly; you wouldn't want to miss posts like this one, which combine a mastery of internet technologies and a typically down-to-earth snubbing of Hollywood materialism:

i wanted to flickr/the stuff in the gift shop/here in beverly hills/unreal/270 buck for sunglasses/i get mine at walgreens 2 for ten/i started flicking/the obscene baubles

Also, note the action photo of Rosie seemingly running to catch the public conveyance carrying away her sister (from her upcoming, cinematic-retard-stereotype-busting turn in Riding the Bus With My Sister, naturally). It's a spectacular gracenote in the impressive blog design overhaul. Just when you think something can't possibly get any better, wham! It does.