Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Lindsay Lohan, Disappointingly Blonde

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent in by our readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com and let Ben Affleck know that we know Jennifer Garner's in the driver's seat.
In another thrilling episode: Lindsay Lohan all blonde-like; Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner—in a car!; Hilary Duff, Karen O, Spike Jonze, and Bernadette Peters—near shoes!; Chris Rock and Bishop Don Magic Juan; Jessica Simpson; Johnny Knoxville and Bam Margera; Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson, and Paula Abdul; Simon Cowell; Scott "Scary Baby Who Can't Sing" Savol and Anthony Fedorov; Mary-Kate Olsen; Julia Louis-Dreyfus; Diana Ross; Eliza Dushku; Tom Green and Robbie Williams; Chris Kattan, an unidentified Myers, and Jordana Brewster; Dave Navarro; Stephanie Weir; Tall Nasally-Speaking Guy and Chubby Annoying Goateed Fellow (Project Greenlight screenwriters Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan).
· Saw the newly blonde Lindsay Lohan at the Newsroom on Robertson just now (4/20) with two entouragettes. Fled in shrieking and pursued by paparazzi who were literally banging on the glass to get her to turn around. After a brief stop at the magazine rack they asked to be seated on the patio, until they realized the paparazzi were still out on the street. Duh. Apparently there's a premium for a blonde pic of La Lohan. She looks horrendous as a blonde, by the way - it's a nasty color, not really platinum as reported, just an icky pale ash (with roots already) that really draws attention to those freckles and her overly bright eyes. Wearing a sweet calf-length brown-and-orange Pucci dress that was quite see-through, though not enough for the famed La Bella Vista tattoo to be visible. Scary scrawny, so apparently not there to eat.
· Monday evening I saw a good looking woman in sunglasses in a passenger seat of a brand new BMW make a left turn in front of me; when the car pulled around I noticed the driver was Ben Affleck... so I'm assuming it was a Ben-and-Jen sighting. Why they were pulling into the parking lot of the Waffle Shack or whatever that new place is on Sunset, I have no idea, because the Chateau Marmont is across the street... unless they're just too cheap to valet.
· Saturday afternoon (4/23) on the first floor of Barney's. Hilary Duff trying on shoes while her Good Charlotte boyfriend waited patiently. Karen O buying a bag while Spike Jones loitered around patiently. Then Spike pointed out Hilary & Good Charlotte dude to Karen when they walked by! (is that a star spotting a star?) Also Bernadette Peters at the Stila counter and don't know who did her face but her skin is absolutely flawless.
· My wife and I were at the Smooth Magazine party at Forbidden City last night (4/20) and shared a drink with none other
than the Bishop Don Magic Juan, who was decked out in an all-green sparkling suit and drinking from an enormous diamond-encrusted chalice. He was extremely cordial and there were women coming up to flirt with him literally every two or three minutes. A bit later we noticed Chris Rock at the party. He didn't appear to be with anyone and although he was friendly with everyone who came up to him, he seemed a bit off. All business. Constantly checking out his Blackberry and sending messages and lurking in a corner. Definitely not the personality that we all know and love.
· Saw Jessica Simpson Saturday night at the Wiltern to see the Killers. She was
posted by the bar in a dark corner wearing a black hat and long peasant skirt. She was surrounded by girlfriends, including her bff/assistant Cacee and they all kept staring at my friend and commenting to each other....it must have been that amazing resemblence to Ashlee Simpson she has.
· johnny knoxville and bam margera at the powerhouse, the lovely and best dive in hollywood (s***w boardner's).... johnny's hung there for years, bam is newish... truly sweet and humble men and just there to have a good time, like the rest of us....
· I saw all 3 American Idol judges leaving The Ivy yesterday afternoon (yes, they went there on a Sunday). Simon got into the most expensive looking Bentley I have ever seen; Paula opted for a tiny BMW with tinted windows; and Randy was left just standing on the sidewalk waiting for his car. Simon (and his curly-haired girlfriend) posed for pics while Randy chatted it up with all the photogs and fans, but Paula was eager to get in her car. I wonder why...
· Spotted: Simon Cowell wearing his uniform (black t-shirt, showcasing his rippling muscles...not bad for an old guy) on Camden Drive in Beverly Hills. He just sat in his "so big it's obnoxious" Bentley, while his girlfriend lifted all of the bags into the trunk. So much for chivalry, Simon.
· Over the weekend saw Scott (the fat guy) and Anthony (the blonde guy) from American Idol at PF Changs at the Beverly Center. They both walked by to visit the restroom. They seemed to know everyone was staring at them because they didn’t look up. According to our waiter, Scott comes in all the time is “really really nice.” Anthony is really really short and looks a little like Peter Pan in person. Hopefully they were commiserating about their being in the bottom three last week.
· I saw Mary-Kate and entourage at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf on Sunset across from the DGA, Friday afternoon. She was looking thin, wearing jeans and wearing sunglasses.
· Fuck. I totally starred at a lady for like 30 seconds before releasing it was teeny tiny julia louis- dreyfus and I think her husband (tall man). Walking down la cienega south of waring which is south of santa monica. Tiny. Looked pretty. I said "fuck" because I blew a perfect opportunity to take a picture from my car.
· Anyways, I am walking towards the front door of the building where I work and which happens to be glass and there is this woman with crazy hair standing right in front of the door talking on her cell and looking out to the street. She is wearing these hideous leopard print wedge heels.I have to pass her to get out and I glance over and the first thing I notice is her purple, pink lipstick...who was this crazy lady with questionable fashion sense? DIANA ROSS! I almost fell over. She looks really good for 80...
· I swear I just saw Eliza Dushku at the Trader Joe's on Santa Monica Blvd (the Russian one near the Formosa, not the Gay one). If it wasn't Eliza, it was a dead ringer for her, but she seemed totally down to earth - she even smiled at the woman at checkout — and beautiful. I guess my doubt lies in my suspicion that a celebrity would never shop at TJ's, much less the ghetto WeHo one. I should have waited to see what kind of car she got into...
· Hanging last night on Sunset, had the pleasure of seeing the ex mr. barrymore, Tom Green, having some sushi with a friend. He was all grizzly adams looking, with a furry beard and about 50 pounds heavier. not looking too hot. and just a short time later, spotted robbie ‘carb face’ williams, sporting a snazzy safety orange windbreaker, tucked into his jeans. Heroin hot he was not. mr. european popstar was being trailed by a faggle of pocket gays (what I refer to as PG). now, I’ve heard that he may bat for the other team and frankly, I don’t care. But I think if the bat boys he was with were any indication, he might be in the major leagues. But that tucked in windbreaker certainly put a little bit of doubt in my mind. Damn them fence sitters.
· wed night 4.20 in LA, saw a strange mix of people at guy's. seemed like a snowy cheesy crowd. a short,
wildly gesticulating (i guess he was dancing?) man turned out to be chris kattan. also one of the myers bros (not sure if it was the snl one or the mad tv one) was there. jordana brewster looking perfect and smokin hot sitting with a dark haired guy. but she left with two pretty girls after like 20 minutes of
looking annoyed.
· Was at the Westin Century for a geek conference, when who to my wondering eyes should appear but Dave Navarro (tiny, natch). His companion was a tiny dark haired girl, not Carmen, and they both got into a ginormic black Hummer. Nice tats, scrawny ass.
· I saw Stephanie Weir from Mad TV eating breakfast with a non-famous friend at Fred 62 yesterday. She had some problem with her pancakes, but seemed nice about it and the waiter looked happy with his tip. As they were leaving, she said something about going "out to howl" that night, so now I'm wondering if you've already gotten a bunch of better Weir sightings that involve her dancing on tables or punching out bouncers or something.
· Whilst awaiting my torta at the Yucca taco stand on Hillhurst, I brushed shoulders with the two screenwriters from this year's Project Greenlight, Tall Nasally-Speaking Guy and Chubby Annoying Goateed Fellow (Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunston). After I stopped screaming with delight and calmed down a bit, I considered trying to glean some primo Gulager scuttlebutt from them, but alas, my sandwich was ready and I was hungry. Almost forgot the best part. Annoying Fellow was wearing a Project Greenlight hat. What a fag.