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According to a People magazine poll (typing those words just shook loose a blood vessel in our brain), the public has drooled its assent for the sexual conjoining of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie by voting them the Most Beautiful of all the 50 Most Totally Beautifulest Peoples In All The World. Jolie's already telling adorable stories about her lovah in the rag:

"He was always encouraging me [on the 'Smith' set] to be dumber," she told host James Lipton, according to People. "He'd say, 'You know what would be funny? If you turn around and walk into that door.' ... We had a lot of fun."

It's been less than a week since the carefully publicist-orchestrated sale of the pics from the couple's completely wholesome, sweaty-intercourse-free, adopted-child-chaperoned romp on an African beach, and already Jolie's admitting that Brad Pitt's trying to remake her in his own image. How many times will Angelina sacrifice her perfect nose on the door-jamb altar of love to earn Pitt's giggling-like-a-kid-with-a-poopy-diaper approval before she realizes what she's signed up for? This is going to end badly.