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Sometimes we think that we don't know how to turn you on anymore. Due to a nearly unprecedented lack of interest*, we're calling off the answers portion of the game. There were simply too few guesses to take advantage of the collective intelligence that challenges Ted Casablanca's best efforts to obscure his items in his special goulash of convoluted grammar and genitalia-related neologisms. Perhaps your boredom and/or frustration with this week's blind item is summed up by one reader's submission:

George Bush and that Saudi Prince he was holding hands with!

Andy Dick and Andy Dick!

OK, I give up.

Yeah, we think that says it all right there. We'll try again next week, gamely undeterred by this week's round of blindballs.

[*There's a possibility that a problem with Gmail might've affected the outcome, but only one person complained about bounced messages.]