To Do: Zombies, Aireoke, Folds

· The Egyptian hosts a sneak preview of Zombie Honeymoon, a film whose premise we are reasonably certain is accurately described in its title. Director David Gebroe will hang around afterwards to answer all of your zombie-related inquiries, which must include a serious contemplation of how many zombies can fit in a Mini Cooper (without the use of a blender).
· Aireoke: an unholy combination of air guitar and karaoke. Don't worry, though, there's still the same hipster-attracting possibility for ironic detachment that's present in each component. Aire-awesome! At the Parlour Club.
· Music, music, music: Tim Burgess at the Viper Room; The Sights at Amoeba for an in-store; The Shore at the Troubadour; Ben Folds at the Virgin Megastore.