Hollywood PrivacyWatch Special Edition: Desperation At 10,000 Feet

A Defamer operative submits this report of a new, airborne danger: the desperate, fading celebrity who might snap if not recognized by his captive audience.
On my flight from New York to Los Angeles this past Wednesday, I saw Chevy Chase on the plane. Chev was sitting up in first class, but he was so desperate for attention that he actually walked all the way to the back of the plane to use the lavatory in coach. He walked down the aisle looking desperately at everyone as if to say, "Recognize me, please!" But no one even batted an eye. Poor guy. Someone ought to give him a talk show.
We really hope things turn around for the guy. It would break our hearts to get a similar report of an attention-hungry Chase roaming the aisle on a Greyhound bus. In the meantime, we're forwarding a copy of this post to the FAA and Department of Homeland Security so they can minimize the possibility of future threats to innocent passengers.