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Just like we told you days ago, naughtytalking Insider host Pat O'Brien trust-fell straight out of rehab and right into the burly, tough-lovin' arms of Oprah's in-house philosopher, Dr. Phil, just in time for sweeps:

This didn't take long: Pat O'Brien, fresh from rehab, will have to face Dr. Phil next week in a prime-time CBS special. Dr. Phil McGraw will "confront O'Brien about the incidents that led up to his stay in the recovery program, the issues he faced while in treatment and the stories about his personal life that made headline news," CBS said Friday.

O'Brien will talk about how he will deal with his colleagues when he returns to work and how to approach life without alcohol, CBS said.

We imagine that O'Brien gained some valuable life skills during his time in rehab and has been given a carefully calibrated outpatient program of hookers, blow, and "fucking going crazy" that will ensure his continuing sobriety.