Short Ends: Tom And Katie Publicly, Uncomfortably Osculate

OK, the announcements and the virginity talk were one thing, but the kissing in public? Now you're just waving this ridiculous charade in our faces like an impotent flasher's floppy junk. Excuse us while we figure out a way to press our naked eyeballs onto the burners on the electric stove.
· Looks like Fox is trying to disappear Life on a Stick during sweeps and let it fade away into cancellation. We hope they're ready for the incredible LOAS fan backlash that's sure to come.
· Escandalo Des Lesbianas heats up: "I grabbed Salma's ass just to keep things moving, because everyone was a little slow. And, of course, the energy changed when I did that." Sure, it's out of context, but this is the only way to adequately conjure the hot lesbian action we crave on a Friday afternoon.
· "Oh, no. I didn’t feel any respect. Zero respect." Goldenfiddle interviews Gulager!