Guest Editor: Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Hi. I'm Jesse Oxfeld. You might remember me from such media websites as Editor & Publisher Online,, and (long ago and barely) For some inexplicable reason, the folks here thought it'd be a good idea to make me co-captain of the Good Ship Gawker for a week. (Ha. The last ship I captaineda 60-foot racing yacht, while on assignment for Gear magazineI promptly sailed into a jibe. Then the mag folded like two weeks later, before I could submit my piece. Good stuff.) Anyway, while I've never actually blogged beforewell, not reallyI figure I should be fine at it. I mean, I'm glib, I like working in my pajamas, and, most important, I drink a lot (frequently at The Magician). So I'm good to go. Right? JO