To Do: Death Ray, Boss, Mad Man

· OK, for real this time: Patton Oswalt will join Chris Hardwick, Greg Behrendt, and hosts Neil Campbell and Paul Rust for Comedy Death Ray at M Bar. Laughter-vomit virtually assured.
· Music-related activities for those who enjoy such things: David Garza at Largo ; Aimee Man at Amoeba; Bruce Springsteen at the Pantages; Damien Jurado at the Knitting Factory. (Defamer's Intern Y would like to note that it's hilarious to list Aimee Mann before The Boss. Indeed.)
· Delusions of a Mad Man, an exhibition of the work of artist Truman Marquez opens at the Infusion Gallery.
· And if you're not inclined to leave the house, completely unsubstantiated rumors are floating around that Paula Abdul is going to quit live on American Idol. Probably won't happen, but it's a way to justify another night of drooling in front of the tube, should "it's Tuesday" not be a sufficient excuse.