Note From The Editor: Defamer's First Birthday

We're not big on birthdays (they're just another reminder of how little we've accomplished in the last year, another irrevocable step towards a lonely grave, etc etc), but we thought we should note that exactly one year ago today, Defamer was yanked into the world, kicking, screaming, and covered in the dirty placenta of Hollywood like yet another retardedly-named celebrity baby. For those keeping score at home, that's 3,131 blog posts about agents dancing, Les Moonves' inexorable march towards the enslavement of all sentient beings, and meditations on celebrity genitalia of all flavors. Good times, good times.
Before we pretend to get choked up and start to cry (we cauterized our tear ducts months ago), how's this for symmetry? On launch day, CBS announced that they'd be embarking on a visionary project with one of Hollywood's biggest stars, one that they finally saw realized just days ago. That project's name? Riding the Bus With My Sister. We couldn't possibly have asked for a better birthday present from our pal Mr. Moonves.
Thanks for your continued patronage, and we hope that we're costing your studio, production entity, or agency countless dollars in lost productivity. Back to work!