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Fresh off their hot, African safari of sexual sex-making that inspired locals to fear a lion-mauling took place in their bungalow, new Hollywood golden couple (sorry, Cruise-Holmes!) Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie embarked on an erotic thrill-ride through Morocco, where Pitt is starting to shoot Babel. Rush and Molloy say People will say:

[Pitt] and Jolie boarded a private jet to Morocco. Befitting their status as the most-hunted game in Africa, the couple was transported to Pitt's hotel in a three-vehicle convoy. Their reunion was brief. Replenished with love, Jolie left the next morning.

This trip presented a new set of challenges to the power-pairing's publicists, who must stay one step ahead of the copulation-story-hungry press:

"Bad news, boss. They're in Morocco now."

"Shit. For real?"

"Yeah. I would never kid about that."

"God. Africa, that was easy. Lions, natives with clubs. I can work with lions and clubs. Morocco? What do we know about Morocco? Morocco doesn't snap."

"Morocco's in Africa. I looked it up."

"Yeah, but it's not Africa Africa. No jungles, lions. Monkeys? I bet they have monkeys."

"That sounds right."

"No, no, no. That's all wrong. We can't say that a local overheard their fucking and thought it sounded like a bunch of monkeys flinging their feces or peeling bananas. It's not majestic. Brad would not be happy."

"Gorillas are kind of majestic."

"(sighs) Do me a favor and don't talk until I hit you with this rolled up copy of US Weekly, OK? The locals...the locals."

"They're Arabs, I think—"

"—OK, what about we say a merchant at the bazaar saw them carrying on like people who'd been together for years, then they were so loudly fucking in their hotel room that they were rousted by fifteen ululating busboys in turbans, who were scared of the noises? I'm just spitballing here...did you say Arabs?"


"We can't go there. Fuck fuck fuck. OK. I don't have the energy to fight through something that politically fraught. Fuck."

"I can just call People and do the convoy-and-quickie thing. It still says that these kids can't keep their hands off each other. It's not art, but it'll get the job done."

"Sometimes you're not totally useless, you know?"

"Should I make the call?"

"Yeah, make the call. (sighs) Morocco. Seriously, if they go to Jordan next, I'm gonna gave a fucking stroke."