· Wanna hold your own in a conversation on music without actually going through the trouble of listening to the stuff? Join the authors of "The Rock Snob*s Dictionary" (asterisk is intentional, not a drunken slip-up on our part) at Jack's Stir Brew Coffee for a reading replete with musical accompaniment. [Snob]
· Indie press not indie enough for you? Go celebrate the release of Pindeldyboz Magazine's 5th edition at Galapagos in Williamsburg, where everyone will be more underground than you. Special guests include Jollyship the Whizbang, likely the only punk-rock pirate puppet show on the planet. [Pindeldyboz]
· Mexican, Schmexican: Cinco de Mayo is just a convenient excuse to drink margaritas. Do it to it at the Delancey tonight, where 'Sup mag throws a partay with James F*cking Friedman on the decks. Again with the asterisk. [flavorpill]