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From time to time, we willfully ignore a story until we receive so many e-mails about it that it will no longer be denied. So now at the risk of appearing blog-Paleolithic by bringing you this quote (its been bouncing around for a couple of days now on the wire), we give you "Paris Hilton Pretends Not To Know What A Blog Is" [cue flourish of horns]:

Q: Do you read blogs?

HILTON: What's that?

Q: Um, they're these things on the Internet where people write about news and stuff.

HILTON: No, I don't really read anything on the Internet except my AOL mail. I don't like people who sit on computers all day long and write about people they don't know anything about.

She's not going to hurt our feelings! She can never, ever take away the brief, first-hit-off-the-Redi-Whip can exhilaration that we felt when we found out that we appeared in the hacked Sidekick. But in defense of others who "sit on computers all day long and write about people they don't know anything about," once you've seen someone getting doggystyled in night-vision in front of a Chris Rock concert on the television (over and over again), you kind of feel like you know them. We're just sayin.'