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After hiking up our gossip-pants and wading through the flood of your responses, we realized that we should never challenge your dedication to The Game, even after last week's sad showing. Splash on a little more One Comes Around Blind Vice before proceeding to your guesses:

Ted sez: "Ream Helene is a back-stabbing, finagling, eat-her-mother-for-opportunity bitch, no two (gossipy) words about it. And not just with the colleagues but with the exes. She wasn't exactly nice to the former men in her life—many of whom she discarded unceremoniously...Oh, and I should tell you (as I don't care about such provincial morals), Helene's miles and miles of enemies are getting such enjoyment that Ms. H.'s present hubby is cheating on her with a paid paramour." Read the item.

You say: Your guesses are after the jump.

You say: With equal parts crazy hope and irrepressible glee, you tabbed Jennifer Lopez (or "J. Lo" in the parlance of our times) as this week's blind item victim. Say what you will about Lopez's disposition (apparently, Ted spent valuable nonsense-inches in his column on her vaunted people skills—one day we'll actually read through the whole thing), but her husband is a handsome, handsome man, a very great lover of the Latin variety, and as such, would never have to pay for it. He probably has to padlock his junk just to get through a routine trip to Starbucks without having women force free intercourse on him.

You say: Runners-up were the duo of Catherine Zeta-Jones and Gwyneth Paltrow. Are they even married? We hadn't heard. We've seen numerous photos of CZJ being escorted to various affairs by an elderly gentleman, but we're sure he's too busy concentrating on keeping his bones from shattering to spend the time stepping out on his date. The Paltrow, on the other hand, seems too busy with that adorable fruit-baby to drive a man dripping in groupies to seek the services of an erotic professional. We're not sold. But then again, we never are.

You say: Some said Madonna, some said Reese Witherspoon, we say call us once your ears stop ringing from the blind-item ear-boxing that Ted Casablanca (real name: Theodorico Casanblankopolous) has given you.

And The Andy Dick Memorial "You Also Say" Item Goes To: Dame Judi Dench.

Thanks for playing!