Short Ends: 'Brown Bunny' Reunion Lacks Oral Action

· At Coachella, blog savant Whatevs witnesses the long-awaited reunion of Vincent Gallo and the actress who supposedly blew him on screen. We regret to inform you that Gallo did not bovs all over Sevigny's tees, however. Schmears.
· Moving to LA to make it big? Not so fast, Brandi, unless you've got good tableside manner.
· Disneyland covers stuff in gold to celebrate its 50th anniversary. Amazingly, all of the gold used was harvested from the fillings of people who've died on rides and whose bodies were quietly hidden around the park.
· We really love it when that chick at Gawker taunts Matt Drudge. Fun fact: they're secretly lovers!
· There is supposedly some video of Kelsey Grammer falling on his ass (hilarious!) here, but we can't get it to work. Maybe you will have better luck.