The Agent Dance: More Trouble At WMA?

Yesterday's Page Six [Ed.note-They do a column on the weekend? Who knew?] lobbed a couple of more grenades at William Morris, reporting a rumor that the agency's elders are planning an "emergency meeting" at Shutters on the Beach this weekend to get their collective shit together after the turmoil of the past few months, and that the WMA braintrust might be considering selling their headquarters to raise some cash. Both rumors were rejected out of hand by Morris' flack in the piece (doesn't everybody know that agents dissolve instantly upon contact with salt water?), which is a great relief for the entire industry. No one wanted to wake up Monday morning and discover that the whole WMA staff was found "asleep" in a Shutters conference room in matching black outfits and Nikes, having hitched a ride in the tail of a comet that would deliver them to a higher plane of existence, one where agents keep 90 percent and the Sarah Michelle Gellar space is suddenly not so meaningful.
Also denied: George Freeman, Russell Crowe's agent, is about to ditch WMA to run a production company for the actor, a rumor that's been chattered about over the past week. Being the cynical type, we expect him to be gone by Friday.