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As you have no doubt read in countless other outlets, the Huffington Post, pundit/columnist/general-use bon vivant Arianna Huffington's online cocktail party for her fabulous celebrity friends, went live this morning. We haven't had a chance to have a look yet, so join us as we liveblog our first, cursory scan:

10:08 am: Clean design: Greens, whites, and a prominent picture of Saudi oil robber-barons make a pleasant aesthetic first impression.

10:09 am: Arianna herself welcomes us to the HP! We already feel at home, kicking off our shoes, putting down our beer on a coffee table without a coaster, and surfing for barely legal porn. We may never leave.

10:11 am: Scrolling interest in Arthur Schlesinger Jr,, who is submitting his posts by Pony Express...large picture of Rupert Murdoch inspires immediate feelings of existential dread, erasing our initial feelings of happiness with the overall look.

10:13 am: Quote taken completely out of context from Brad Hall and Julia Lous-Drefyfus' entry: " marriage destroys real marriage." Who says Hollywood (or the HP) is liberal!

10:14 am: Mike Nichols joins the party, tastefully refraining from mentioning on-screen muse Meryl Streep. At lest he doesn't mention her before the jump; we can't be sure that clicking on "Read whole post" won't be a montage of their cinematic collaborations.

10:16 am: The "news" column points us to the infamous Spiegel interview with Tom Cruise (which we covered last month), demonstrating that they haven't quite gotten the hang of "internet time" yet. In internet time, this story is so old it might as well have been rendered in cuneiform. That's old, people.

10:20 am Scrolling...John Cusack bids farewell to Hunter S. Thompson, a sneaky way to remind us he still has edge, even after Serendipity and America's Sweethearts...Ellen DeGeneres loves horsies...David Mamet gets through two sentences without a "fuck." But wait! There's "cum"!'s the non-sexual context. Pulling pants back up...

10:23 am: Harry Shearer seems to have employed the same headshot photographer as DeGeneres and Huffington, as all are resting chins in their hands, a shorthand for both playfulness and intellectual curiousity. Adorable!

10:24 am: We have reached the bottom of the page with some questions. Whither Warren Beatty and Ari Emanuel? Where are the nipple slips and the up-to-the-minute discussions of Paris Hilton's vagina? And, for the love of God, where is the picture comparing the facial expressions of the President to one of a monkey? These crazy kids have a lot to learn about blogging.