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In yesterday's LAT*, actor Craig Bierko gives some insight into Cinderella Man co-star Russell Crowe's "process," i.e., never allowing the line between your on-screen nemesis and the person playing him to blur:

The scene, it seems, started immediately: "We got up there and he had his 40th birthday party and I was the one guy who wasn't invited. I was like, I get it! It was made very clear to me by people involved in the movie that Russell wouldn't be friendly to me," Bierko said, "because I was playing his adversary. [...]

"He really did create a laboratory environment that was incredibly helpful to me," Bierko said. "I'm telling you, it's like when the Road Runner [passes through the road painted onto] the brick wall. You know you're going to go down that road — but then you hit that brick wall. You have to allow yourself to be caught up in it, and then you have to let it go. And it's a very tricky thing to do. There's not a lot of actors who do that anymore. This guy is helping you — helping you want to kill him."

There you have it: The constant fear that Russell Crowe might sneak up behind you at the crafts service table and rabbit-punch you in the kidneys while you're enjoying a Krispy Kreme makes for a more fulfilling acting experience. Of course, Bierko would've been well within his rights to kick Crowe in the junk after the umpteenth on-set slight and explain it away as "dedication to craft."

[*The profile was written by Gawker slave-for-life Choire Sicha, who refused our demand that he buy us a month's supply of Ramen for linking to his freelance work.]