Welcome to day two of your Jessless journey through Gawker. Big thanks to Lindsay Robertson for all her help yesterday. Additional thanks to Jesse Oxfeld, who has continued to contribute his wit and wisdom well after we've required it. Jesse's like the guest who stays too long at the end of the party; you'd like to ask him to leave, but he's just so much help in cleaning up the empty glasses.

Today's surrogate will reveal little about herself except to say that she's a recovering lifestyle journalist. To protect his identity in the industry, he has chosen to go by the nom de plume Myles na Gopaleen (google it, Columbia School of Journalism students). Since our guest obviously knows much more about the media than I (hell, the kids who pass out free Metros in the morning know much more about the media than I), we're going to let her handle the news stuff while I take on the gossip bits today. Which isn't ideal, because I sort of suck at gossip too. But hold tight, kids: One more day and your beloved Jess is back. She'll give you the good stuff. (And probably something extra.) Okay, let's get started. AB