The 'LAT' Runs Free, We Learn To Pronounce 'Cannes'

As you may or may not know by now, the LAT has finally freed its art and entertainment coverage (known as Calendarlive in the Times' inscrutable parlance) from the shackles of paid subscription. All citizens of the internets can now freely browse its resplendent offerings, such as this endlessly fascinating entry from a reporter's "web diary" (note: this is not a blog—it's impeccably spell-checked!) from Cannes:
For a word that means so much to so many, it really is amazing that, after 58 years, no one quite knows how to pronounce it. When I tell people I am going to the Cannes Film Festival this year, their eyes tend to widen with the same look of enthusiastic envy they give me when I tell them, year after bloody year, that I can't make the brunch/birthday party/movie because I will be at the Oscars. "Ooooooo," they say, "look at you, going to Cannes."
Only some of them say "Caaaan" and some of them say "Caahhhn." Sometimes it is plural, as in "would you please put out the trash cans?" or "have you invited James and all the assorted Caans?" and sometimes it's not.
In tomorrow's (free!) web diary: The Euro: It's kind of like the dollar, but with all sorts of fun colors!"