The Huffington Post: What Happens When the Folks at the Nursing Home Start a Blog?

We turn our attention once again to The Huffington Post, which continues to impress with its roster of contributors: Walter Cronkite, Larry Gelbart, Jerry Brown Apparently, the idea is to give young people a feeling of what it was like to live in the seventies. But don't take our snide criticisms as the final word: Listen to what notorious crackpot Nikki Finke has to say. Actually, there's too much venom in here to give you a decent sampling. We'll just reprint the first two paragraphs in toto:
Judging from today's horrific debut of the humongously pre-hyped celebrity blog the Huffington Post, the Madonna of the mediapolitic world has gone one reinvention too many. She has now made an online ass of herself. What Arianna Huffington's bizarre guru-cult association, 180-degree conservative-to-liberal conversion, and failed run in the California gubernatorial-recall race couldn't accomplish, her blog has now done: She is finally played out publicly. This Web-site venture is the sort of failure that is simply unsurvivable, because of all the advance publicity touting its success as inevitable. Her blog is such a bomb that it's the box-office equivalent of Gigli, Ishtar and Heaven's Gate rolled into one. In magazine terms, it's the disastrous clone of Tina Brown's Talk, JFK Jr.'s George or Maer Roshan's Radar. No matter what happens to Huffington, it's clear Hollywood will suffer the consequences.
It almost seems like some sick hoax. Perhaps Huffington is no longer a card-carrying progressive but now a conservative mole. Because she served up liberal celebs like red meat on a silver platter for the salivating and Hollywood-hating right wing to chew up and spit out.
Wow. You can't coach venom like that; it has to come from a deep, dark place inside. Thank God for Nikki's deep, dark place. Click the link for the rest. AB