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Continuing our happy stroll through the New York media's sexual wilderness, we came upon Eric Bogosian, in a interview, thinking out loud—can he ever manage it any other way?—about the febrile doings in his not-at-all pretentiously titled new novel,Wasted Beauty. Here's his interpretation of one hot hot hot peeping Tom scene in the book:

It's like seeing two animals going at it, unconscious of what they're doing. How far removed from that are we? How different is it from a couple of dogs fucking in the schoolyard and looking in two different directions with their tongues hanging out? You gotta wonder. I gotta wonder, anyway. Perhaps someone else hasn't been as driven as I have been by this chunk of flesh hanging off of my groin - Is this ground zero? Is this the center of the universe, this ejaculate?

Eric, I think pretty much everyone else hasn't been as driven by that particular chunk of flesh as you have. In fact, we've all been meaning to ask you to see a doctor about it. And we're pretty sure that the ejaculate you're referencing just looks like the center of the universe because of, well, the discoloration. . . . . MnG

Dirty Pretty Things [Nerve]