Hollywood PrivacyWatch Special Edition: Post-Rehab Phoenix Rises

A reader spots actor Joaquin Phoenix, last seen checking into rehab about four weeks ago, out for a reasonably-priced meal with a gang of guys he either met "on the inside" or who badly need better agents and a fashion consultant:
Joaquin Phoenix was dining at Chin Chin in Beverly Hills with about 8 other dudes Monday night. He looked pretty tired in a blue sweatshirt with greasy hair. The waiters had to arrange a table outside with the heat lamps nearby. It's obvious he did not want to be at another dinner with his fellow re-habbers. I am pretty sure they were a rehab group because no one else was famous nor did anyone else dress nice. They were all marginal-looking guys in sweats and jeans. And I don't think it was a dinner with agents because there was no back-slapping while hand-shaking or any other visible signs of slime and sleaze. They also all looked pretty depressed. I mean, if I spent my Monday night at Chin Chin I'd be depressed too. Luckily, I was just passing by.
This sums up L.A. in a nutshell: If you're a celebrity dining out with some pals who aren't wearing suits and high-fiving you while discussing your next project, they obviously must be the dudes you just spent a month drying out with. We love this town!