William Morris Fights Back: The Strongly-Worded Letter

Variety obtained the strongly-worded letter that Bert Fields sent to Page Six regarding their recent William Morris items, the first weapon in the Scary Hollywood Lawyer arsenal. An excerpt:
Fields said in an interview that beyond a retraction from the Post, he wants to uncover the source of the allegations — whom he contends is associated with another agency."I have a good idea who it was that put the Post up to spreading this vicious load of garbage," Fields said. "When I can make a positive identification, that amoral snake is going to be sorrier than the Post."
The manhunt begins! But this "amoral snake" reference makes the whole thing sound a bit like a bluff. If an "amoral snake" is all that Fields has to go on, the lawyer could spend the rest of his days wandering the corridors of competing agencies, randomly punching anyone in a suit without ever getting closer to his quarry.