Amy Sacco Really, Really Hates the Gays

Hipper-than-thou restaurant/club proprietress Amy Sacco is ratcheting up her campaign to terrorize Chelsea with her not-yet-opened eatery on West 23rd Street, Bette Restaurant. (To recap: Bette is housed within the thoroughly fabulous London Terrace complex home to Annie Leibovitz, Chelsea Clinton, and others and several months ago her contractors managed to blow out the gas to the entire building at 465 West 23rd.)
Now, with gas still not working and determined to keep her neighbors from enjoying hot food, Sacco is trying put the kibosh on their ability to even receive food deliveries. "We do not want to cut the lock and remove the bike," say the signs her staff has posted on trees in front of the building, "but we will." One suggestion, Amy: For maximally efficient effrontery, don't you think the sign should be in Spanish?
Update: It's come to our attention that the sign was actually placed by the hands of London Terrace's management. Even more sinister!