Superagent Sue Mengers: Sleeping, Dying, And The Darkness Of Tomorrow

Fishbowl LA points us to this deeply depressing Vanity Fair Q & A with Sue Mengers, the "first superagent," an interview so bleak it makes Sylvia Plath look like an aerobics instructor on uppers by comparison:
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
To be left alone.
Which talent would you most like to have?
I'd take any one.
What is your favorite occupation?
How would you like to die?
I think I already have.
What is your motto?
"Tomorrow may not be another day."
Whew. If this kind of existential abyss is what awaits all successful agents once they're out of the game, somebody better set up safety nets all along Wilshire Boulevard before it's littered with the bodies of people who want to go out on top, before this troublesome introspection shit kicks in.