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Entertainment Weekly seems to have finally gotten to the bottom of the mystery of Dave Chappelle's whereabouts:

Comedian Dave Chappelle has checked himself into a mental health facility in South Africa and has remained there since late April, according to a source close to the situation. The same source denies rumors of drug abuse. Other sources have also told EW that the future of Chappelle's Show — the hit Comedy Central series that was entering its third season — is more uncertain than the network has suggested.

We hate to say we told you so...but we can't, because who the hell would've guessed he checked into a "relaxation center" in South Africa? We had all of our money in the "stoned out of his mind in a friend's basement in Chatsworth, making money-forts with rubber-banded stacks of hundred-dollar bills" square in our office What Happened to Chappelle? pool. In any case, it looks like Comedy Central's not getting the third season of Chappelle's Show finished in the near future.