The Agent Dance: Stealing The Bacon

After gleefully noting that William Morris has sicced Unfrozen Hollywood Lawyer Bert Fields on rival Page Six for its recent WMA beat-down, Rush & Molloy report a pair of defections from the agency:
Still, its motion-picture department has seen better days. Kevin Bacon is the latest client to follow former WMA agent Michelle Bohan to Endeavor. Agency head Jim Wiatt and lieutenant Scott Lambert tried to talk the actor out of leaving. But, according to a source, "They trashed Michelle so badly that they actually convinced Kevin to go. When he told Kyra Sedgwick what they'd said about Michelle, she decided she wanted to leave, too."
Bacon's rep declined to comment on "a private conversation" with the Morris agents. Sedgwick's rep insisted that she was leaving because her former agent, Steve Dontanville, is retiring.
It's a good thing that R & M specifically mentioned the motion-picture department and didn't make any generalizations about WMA's overall health, otherwise they might have found themselves on the wrong end of a strongly-worded letter and included in Fields' sweeping "amoral snake" hunt. And hey, is it just us, or is that picture of official Agent Dance mascot Ari Emanuel smiling just a bit more brilliantly today? Nah, that's a silly thought. Sometimes we stare at it too intensely (we can lose an hour without even trying) and our eyes start to play tricks.