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Your guesses are in. Once again, we must admire your enthusiasm for offering opinions in matters of same-sex celebrity liaisons. Reheat One Predictable Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "Dudes'll do anything to get their romantic conquest(s) o' the moment into the sack. Trust me, despite all the frosted hair, I am one. I know of what I horn dog speak. So there, at his movie-star home, kissing and writhing in his movie-star bedroom, is Donkey Dickey. With Donkey is not his movie-star wife but his fill-in conjugal partner, a pretty girl picked up at one of those trendy watering holes." Read the item.

You say: Your guesses are after the jump:

You say: Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey, who seem to be the answer to any question involving celebrity marital strife these days. Boy, we're all going to feel stupid when our grandkid makes us sit through MTV's Nick and Jessica's Golden Anniversary Newlyweds Special marathon. (And yes, we're planning on having very, very dumb grandkids.) A side note: Many of you find there to be an explosive sexual chemistry between Simpson and that BFF/assistant/sidekick of hers, CaCee [sp? No, don't tell us. We can't bear to know the correct way.]

You also say: Due to some Googling about celebrities in good standing with the Republican party, many also guessed Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze, Jr. Alas, we have a hard time believing that that Sarah Michelle Gellar space is suddenly meaningful to the bi-curious, and we don't care what Buffy fans have to say about that. She ain't no Xena. We're just sayin'.

You also say: A couple of you also weighed in on behalf of Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker, but everyone knows that gay dudes love SJP, not gay chicks. Come now. Must we send the Velvet Mafia to your place of residence to confiscate your SATC DVDs?

And The Andy Dick Memorial "You Also Say" Item Goes To: Billy Bob Thornton & Laura Dern. It's almost as if this answer was unearthed from a time capsule and promptly e-mailed to us.

Thanks to everyone for playing!