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Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are determined to prove that this publicity stunt of theirs is not all transparently staged, uncomfortable tonsil-hockey sessions on the world's red carpets. There are career moves to consider! Their publicists are working overtime to make sure the gossip sheets stay well-stocked with reports about their relationship and upcoming projects:

Katie Holmes wants to be bad - and boyfriend Tom Cruise wants to help her.[...]

Holmes' new guy, Cruise, who picked her up after a recent "Factory Girl" meeting, is said to agree that the role will help take her beyond the girl next door.

"Tom loves getting into his roles, and he's already helping Katie research Edie," an insider tells us. "I've heard they're even going to the cemetery where Edie is buried."

The Cruise-Holmes flacks really got their fruit basket's worth on this one. Not only does Holmes get a plug for an upcoming image overhaul, the relationship gets some new, troubling daddy issues, as father stand-in Cruise takes little Katie to meetings and helps her with her homework. After that thorough PR pummeling, we don't even have the strength to be disturbed about the field trip to the cemetery.