· Neil Hamburger is the funniest un-funny comedian of all time. Seriously — the dude's shtick is telling jokes so bad, they're almost good. The operative word, of course, is "almost." [flavorpill]
· Park Ave's beloved Asia Society holds its first-ever Dance Master Competition tonight, in which movers and shakers bring it down to Chinatown to win the title of "Dance Master." Creative, no? $9 bucks gets you a piece of the action and some facetime with the contest's unspecified "celebrity judges." [Paper]
Saturday: · "The Muster is a public art event in which artist Allison Smith invokes the aesthetic vernacular of the American Civil War battle reenactment as a stage set for a polyphonic marshalling of voices in her artistic and intellectual communities." We'll, uh, meet you there! [PAF]
· Are you as smart as you think you are? Put your money where your mouth is and prove it: $30 gives you a shot at the Greater New York Mensa Qualifying Exam at TRS Inc. [GNYM]
· Don't you think you could use a little sun? No, seriously, tans are cool. Get some fresh air while paying homage to Dorothy Parker and Vogue's better days with the Algonoquin Round Table Walking Tour. [DPNYC]