Cameron Diaz Helps Teens Find Their Voice

The You Can't Make It Up blog features a report from the 2005 Reebok Human Rights Awards, where a certain globe-trotting A-list actress proved that when she isn't whitewater rafting down the Amazon with Dax Shepherd to raise awareness about the destruction of the rain forests, she's always available to lend her estimable improv skills to help out with a good cause:
[Cameron Diaz] then read her bit about Carlos Rojas, a videographer documenting violent atrocities against his indigenous ethnic group in Oaxaca. "Brutalized, attacked, imprisoned and tortured by the Mexican military, the Mixe found themselves without a voice," Cameron read. Then, looking up at the audience, puppy dog eyes wide, she ad libbed, "I think we all know what that feels like, right guys?"
There you have it: A 20-million-per-picture movie star and a bunch of teenagers who can't get their thoughts on the latest Dashboard Confessional album to post to their Livejournals quickly enough can totally relate to the repression of a brutalized Mexican tribe. Luckily, Diaz was bailed out by a face in the voiceless throng:
From the back of the auditorium came the response, "I want to do you, Cameron!" She smiled and waved. "You guys are so awesome!"