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The Dude. Man. Phat. blog hears Lindsay Lohan possibly breaking some career news on local LA radio station KIIS FM:

In a radio interview with LA's 102.7 KIIS-FM immediately following her performance at Wango Tango Saturday, Lindsay Lohan let the news slip that she's going to China soon to film a BIG movie.

"What movie? Can you answer that," said the radio guy immediately as Lohan was still wet with sweat from the stage.

"Mission Impossible 3. Shhhh. You're the first ones I've told."

Did the intense pressure of badly lip-syncing her way through a set in the blazing Anaheim sun cause her to hallucinate the biggest role of her life? Or has Tom Cruise already tired of despoiling America's Former Sweetheart, realizing that an even bigger publicity free-for-all awaits if he's able to rehab the image of Hollywood's Favorite Wild Child and plug her into his delayed action franchise? Rumors, creepy photo ops, and profound potential psychological damage all developing...

Also: The Fug Girls give Lindsay a stern talking to.