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NY Daily News JV gossip Lloyd Grove breaks the biggest story from Cannes: Hayden "Darth Vader" Christensen was spotted in "full canoodle" with Eva "Ask Me About My JC Chasez Tattoo" Longoria.

A Lowdown spywitness reports from the swanky restaurant Le Baoli, the temporary satellite outpost of the New York club PM: "She was hitting on Hayden, big-time. They basically spent the whole night talking and caressing each other in a dark corner with security all around them."

Adds the spy: "They were being discreet, but she was holding his hand, and they left at the same time, around 3:30 a.m."

Although the two took care to leave separately to avoid the paparazzi, says the spy, "I'm pretty sure they hooked up."

Also said the "spy" via "PR fruit basket": "Can you please note that when they left together at 3:30 am, a time so late that they could be going nowhere but to a image-burnishing, rumor-extinguishing carnal encounter, that Christensen was heard shouting at the top of his lungs, 'I am on my way to put my penis, or LIGHT SABER, inside the vagina of this beautiful woman, a hot television star who is rumored to have had heterosexual sex with many, many straight men!'? Thanks, dear. If that doesn't pass legal, feel free to go with something expressing that they almost definitely hooked up. Owe ya one, darling!"