The Upfronts: The WB Likes It Doogie-Style

Unless you're a fifteen-year-old girl, you might be completely unaware of the existence of a network called "The WB." This network [Ed.note—Run this one by fact-checking to make sure that's a valid term for their cute organization.] announced its Fall schedule today at the upfronts, presumably to a room full of people turned away from the ABC presentation by a fire marshal. The only development of interest is the pick-up of Just Legal a series created when a Hello Kitty calculator was reprogrammed to generate a show concept from a random combination of the following elements: Teenage boys, Doogie Howser, Jerry Bruckheimer, lawyers, and Don Johnson. We're too tired to explain the actual premise, but feel free to recombine these elements at your leisure to form an entirely new show with the same chance of survival past November as The WB's version.