To Do: Juliette, Rawson, Britney, K-Fed

· Tuesdays are for music round-up lovers: Juliette and the Licks at the Troubadour (where "Juliette" is actress Juliette Lewis indulging her rock aspirations more successfully than that Crowe-Grunts situation ); MIA at the Echo; Alaska! at! Amoeba!
· "According to a recent interview, Thurber claimed his biggest challenge was not laughing over takes." See what all the modesty is about as the ArcLight screens DodgeBall, with writer/director Rawson Marshall Thurber and producer Stuart Cornfeld sticking around for a Q & A.
·Listen, we're not going to lie to you. We're not going to see any bands or movies. We're stapling our fat ass to the couch and watching us some Spears/Federline reality TV crap. And we're going to wash the Cheeto dust off of our fingers with Red Bull, thank you very much.