Greg Gutfeld Calls Norman Mailer Retarded. Do You Need To Know More?

Over the past few days, the Huffington Post has finally gotten itself together and done the right thing by giving Maxim UK editor Greg Gutfeld his own page, aptly-titled The Gutfeld Drive-Bys. In his latest entry, Gutfeld responds to a post from the "pudgy and pliable" Norman Mailer:
Scott and I read Norman s post on the Koran story - the one where he suggests the riots would have been orchestrated. We do have agents in Pakistan, after all
Scott and I thought for a moment, and it dawned on both of us (at the same time!) that this actually WASN T Norman Mailer on the blog. It s an agent! gasped Scott. Because CLEARLY no one would write something so absolutely retarded, unless it was part of a larger conspiracy that s now encompassed the blog.
If the thought of a drunken lad-mag editor performing a drive-by on a building filled with the likes of Danielle Crittenden and Harry Shearer (both of whom have practically perfected their Richard Gere impressions) — while simultaneously calling literary icons retarded, of course — isn't reason enough to kneel down in worship, we don't know what is.