Did Greg Gutfeld Rip Off Dave Eggers?

Tragedy! Until now, we ve marveled at Mad-Lad Blogger Greg Gutfeld s impeccably unique worldview. But leave it to some dude at the Poynter Institute to ruin our day. The claim: Gutfeld ripped off his David Gergen references from Dave Egger s literary magazine, McSweeney s. FishbowlNY investigated, publishing the email exchange with Gutfeld in full:
Fishbowl: Hey Gergenite, over at Poynter someone notes that Gergen-love is very McSweeney's circa 1999. How did you come to find Gergen? Pls. explain.
Gutfeld: That guy is assuming I drew inspiration from something I never saw. I don't even where to buy that magazine!Which really, just proves the power of Gergen!Fishbowl: So you were impervious to the late-90's lure of McSweeney's then?(not hard to imagine)
Gutfeld: Never read it. I blame it on the fact that no one has come along to replace Gergen, as a national obsession. And frankly, we all know that he's the missing link on Huffington. That's all I'm pointing out. Also, I'm drunk again.
Thank God. Integrity is restored to the blogosphere. -KEW
Gutfeld and Gergen [FishBowlNY]
David Gergen's Puzzle Party Page [HuffPo]
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