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With a journalistic precision usually reserved for the unethical shenanigans of world leaders, the has finally solved the mystery of how Paris Hilton's Sidekick was hacked, spilling the celebutante's softcore lesbian phonecam photography, private e-mails, and all-star address book all over the internets. Phone calls were made, T-Mobile employees were conned, and shortly after gaining access to Laurence Fishburne's Sidekick and taunting him with obvious Matrix jokes, the hackers moved on to a bigger, more vacuous target:

"As soon as I went into her camera and saw nudes my head went JACKPOT," the young hacker recalled of his reaction to first seeing the now-public photos of a topless Hilton locked in an intimate embrace with a female friend. "I was like, HOLY [expletive] DUDE ... SHES GOT NUDES. THIS [expletive]'s GONNA HIT THE PRESS SO [expletive] QUICK."

And the rest, as they say, is history. Overall, it's an interesting article that explores some of the ways that mischief makers can exploit companies' "social engineering" to compromise customer data, but readers may be disappointed to discover that the hackers didn't gain access to Hilton's Sidekick through her own negligence, such as carelessly leaving her password out in the open where anyone could see it, i.e.,, tattooed on her labia. Maybe they'll slip that explanation into the E! original movie sure to follow.