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Your guesses are in! Let's wrap up this sham of a game and move on with our lives, shall we? Dip your balls* in One Disappearing Blind Vice one more time before moving on:

Ted sez: "Take a breather this week, bossman, this one's about a gal who prefers to sniff, not suck, her candy. Morgan Mayhem is the doll. Such a cutie-tamootie, she's got charm pouring out of her sweet little dimples—not to mention that great ass of hers. Unfortunately, M.'s well-photographed behind is oddly altered as of late." Read the item.

You say: Your guesses are after the jump:

You say: We're dispensing with the usual prologue and cutting right to the chase: You think that the blind item was clearly about Lindsay Lohan, that Ted Casablanca long ago took leave of his senses and no longer puts an acceptable amount of effort into the obfuscation of his blind items, and that to reduce Wilmer Valderrama's proud heritage (whatever that may be) to a pseudonym referring to an ethnic food item (that may or may not have originated from this background) is racially insensitive. We're going to heartily agree with one of the above thoughts, but we're not going to tell you which. We're feisty that way sometimes.

You also say: A couple of you thought it might be Jessica Simpson or Mandy Moore, but if you somehow found yourself locked in a small room with the throngs of the Lohan-guessers, you would likely be torn limb from limb. Consider a change of heart, or we won't be responsible for the consequences.

And The Andy Dick Memorial "You Also Say" Item Goes To: Andy Dick, who should immediately send us some of the totally sweet swag he made off with at the upfronts, just as a little thank you for our reminding the world that he's still hanging around.

Thanks for playing!

[*With all due apologies to The State for sullying their catchphrase of yore.]