We're Really Going To Miss The Upfronts, Part II

There's a hole in our heart where the upfronts used to be, but we know that come Fall, the pain will start to fade as the shows we've been teased with all week finally hit the schedule. Following up on our earlier post about the Fox upfront, a reader offers a defense of Peter Liguori and a preview of one of the network's more promising offerings:
It's impossible to be tough on Ligouri - he's clearly the most charismatic of all of these jackanapes leading their respective upfronts. His bits were funny, he seemed much more natural, etc. It was almost possible to look past some of the monstrosities they were pushing, like:
"The War at Home," a sitcom with Michael Rappaport playing a "modern day Archie Bunker" (their words), which offered hilarious gags like Rappaport asking his wife about whether it's true about the size of black men's penises after she said she had experience with another race before they dated. "Well, it depends on the guy," she says. Cue Rapaport gasping and going bug-eyed ("there was more than ONE?!"), barely restraining the urge to slap his hands to his cheeks and look into the camera.
When Liguori announced their shockingly reality-free schedule, we worried that Fox was trying to go highbrow on us, so we're heartened to hear that they're finding new, exciting, and Guild-friendly ways to supply their trademark brand of entertainment. If they're not going to slice up ugly chicks with bad home lives and press them into a beauty pageant of the damned, at least we're going to get some good, old-fashioned racist dick jokes instead.