Hollywood PrivacyWatch Special Edition: Maggie Gyllenhaal's 9-11

Air travel into and out of Los Angeles has never been more terrifying; once airborne, Chevy Chase roams the aisles, daring coach passengers to recognize him, and if you manage to land safely, Quentin Tarantino is there, waiting to kick some C-level game to you by the baggage claim. And if those potential perils don't scare you, you might spot a actress engaging in a seemingly ironic reading of an inappropriately topical script:
I was on a flight from Chicago to LA [Tuesday]...Maggie Gyllenhaal was in the row behind me. Interesting thing was she was reading a script from CAA titled "Untitled World Trade Center Project" Kinda interesting...especially due to her recent 911 comments. She did almost crash the plane, though, by using her wireless blackberry a few times during the flight.
She's really lucky that plane didn't go down, or her publicist would have had a lot of explaining to do.