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This Sunday's NYT was a treasure trove of retarded Hollywood riches (hopefully, we'll work our way through half of them in the course of the day). First up, a reporter draws the plum assignment of tailing screenwriter-with-fists-of-lead/director Paul Haggis and his macho buddies for "A Night Out With," recording their night of partying "like a rock star," i.e., mixing up pomegranate martinis, discussing cute eBay knickknacks, and retiring for a night cap of ice cream. Finally, after much slice-of-life scene-setting, the inevitable movie tie-in comes Crashing in, ten times subtler than anything in the film:

The group sauntered along the narrow sidewalks. It was 10 p.m., and the leafy streets were as quiet as a monastery. Their voices sliced through the silence as they discussed the most macho of topics: boxing and Norman Mailer.

Mr. Langlais, who is black, said he had purposefully positioned himself in the middle of the five just in case someone in this mostly white neighborhood spotted him and called 911.

"Officer, we've never seen this man before in our lives," Mr. Haggis responded.

Just to make sure the reporter got the point that Haggis and his pals were trying to make about racism in Los Angeles, they immediately carjacked a van driven by a Mexican, then spent the rest of the evening rear-ending vehicles driven by Korean immigrants with limited command of English, whom Haggis dismissively insisted on calling "Chinamen." Their memorable "A Night Out With" will be available as a special feature on the Crash DVD.