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The NY Observer's Transom column catches up with indie director John Sayles, who inadvertantly reveals an apparent security breach in a certain director's computer systems:

Today, Mr. Sayles makes money writing the scripts for blockbusters like his current project, the pending multiplex feature Jurassic IV (although production is on hold at the moment). Mr. Sayles told The Transom that an early version of the script was intercepted online by an audacious hacker, who also offered his opinion of it. "It amazes me that people are that obsessed with reading Steven Spielberg’s mail," he said. (The online review describes the script as the "single most bugfuck crazy franchise sequel" the reviewer had ever read.)

If a hacker's got access to Spielberg's e-mail, why is he wasting time using the information for impromptu film criticism? Cross your fingers and hope that he'll leak messages from Tom Cruise urging his War of the Worlds director to append the subtitle Psychiatry Kills to the movie and to cover the invading alien ships with Ritalin and Prozac logos.

UPDATE: As we suspected (and as a couple of readers pointed out), Sayles might not have a full understanding of the term "hacker," as the review in question was by Drew McWeeney on Ain't It Cool.