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A reader dumps out the contents of the gift bag from a certain author/A-list war bride's book party for the whole internets to see. Unsurprisingly, the gratis knickknacks blur the line between the sublimely ridiculous must-have accoutrements of Hollywood wifehood and objects of ironic, yet somewhat conflicted, roman a clef writer scorn:

I attended the book party for one Gigi Levangie Grazer, held last night in a private room at the Polo Lounge in the Beverly Hills Hotel. Spoils of War:

· One (1) hardback copy of Grazer's book, "The Starter Wife;" · One (1) pair Ugg Boots, a totem that looms large in Grazer's narrative. (I should also note that Jim Wiatt, Grazer's agent and head of the William Morris Agency, left with two pair);
· One (1) gift certificate for the office of Raj Kanodia, M.D., in which $100 may be applied toward Botox, Restylane, a "vitamin cocktail" or a photo facial;
· One (1) box Valerie chocolates, containing two (2) pieces of chocolate-covered toffee;
· Three (3) gift cards from the office of one Ken or Kenn Woodard, offering a free 20-minute reading "in person or by phone;" and
· One (1) bottle Jimmy, Jimmy Coco Buff, an exfoliating body scrub supplied by the firm of MTP, or Mobile Tanning Pros: Have You Been Sprayed?

Also (and this really deserves its own post, but there are only so many blog-inches that can be devoted to GLG in one day—did that come out the right way?): The LAT takes a The Starter Wife/Cinderella Man-flavored promotional tour through the Grazer compound, which quickly devolves into the filthiest, interior decorator-penetrating instance of A-list real estate porn we can recall. (Full disclosure: We came three times.)