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Perhaps your flood of guesses will finally help us put the Mystery of Toothy Tile behind us. Check in with One Multimedia Blind Vice before going on to your answers:

Ted sez: " Okay, my dishin' darlings, Toothy Tile's back for a raunchy round three. Let's see, we've had T.T., a handsome boy, by far, hand-holding at restaurants, snogging his man-love in Hell-Ay's subterranean parking lots...What's next, an Oprah appearance with Toothy declaring his love for the good-lookin' b-f? Close. Very close." Read the item.

You say: Your guesses are after the jump.

You say: Anxious to finally be free of Ted's Toothy Tile obsession, you plucked out Jake Gyllenhaal's dreamy eyes and offered them up as sacrifice to the gossip gods. Will this finally satisfy them, delivering a newly-bisexual Gyllenhaal to the cover of a major publication just in time for the release of his gay cowboy epic, Brokeback Mountain? Or will this anger them further, forcing Ted Casablanca, the helpless agent of their whims, to switch to an all-Tile format with increasingly Jake-specific clues, dangling the truth just out of reach like a flaccid member in front of the foreshortened arms of a penis-hungry public? Only time (and a feature story in People penned by Andy Dick) will tell.

You say: Finishing a very distant second is Hayden Christensen. Perish the thought! Didn't you hear the iron-clad, 100-percent-not-publicist-generated rumor that Darth Vader was zapping the horniest Housewife on a Continent far, far away, while his family-friendly movie was generating unprecedented ticket sales? Don't be silly. We wouldn't be surprised if that Vader suit crushed all sexual urges, not just the man-on-man kind.

You say: Everyone else in Hollywood who's ever been accused of being secretly closeted. But here's a voice of dissent: "Oh, come on! It can't possibly be either Gyllenhaal or Ledger, because... who gives a shit? 'Boyish splash'for BROKEBACK, and magazine is Newsweek, publicity coup for corporate sibling's troubled film? C'mon, Ted! Give us gossip about closeted fags we care about!"

And The Andy Dick Memorial "You Also Say" Item Goes To: An unusually strong field this week, but we have a winner: "Just in case, I checked the cast of Brokeback Mountain (not that it's the only man lovin' in the media, but again, I'm lazy) and my only other guess would be Randy Quaid. Suck on that, Andy Dick!!!"

Thank to everyone for playing!