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Just days after transforming his body into kinetic poetry on Oprah to express his supposed ardor for Katie Holmes, Tom Cruise sat down with Access Hollywood's Billy Bush to discuss the object of his love that no one questions: the Church of Scientology. The half-hour long special, "Tom Cruise: Man on a Mission," (which included the actor's now-famous takedown of Brooke "Look At Her Life" Shields), featured the fun-loving, furniture-abusing Cruise taking a back seat to a freakishly intense, psychiatry-hating zealot. Cruise on the evils of psychiatry:

"You know what? I'm sure drug dealers on the street in some way, they're making money. That's what I equate it to. Here's the thing you have to understand with psychiatry. There is no science behind it. And to pretend that there is a science behind it is criminal."

While we're thrilled that Cruise finallyfinally!—got to break his silence on his feelings for the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard, maybe it's time for him to take things to the next level. Since there's only room in anyone's life for one true love, Cruise might as well take a six-foot-tall e-meter to the War of the Worlds premiere and conduct a full-on make-out session on the red carpet for the assembled press. No one could possibly doubt the sincerity of that.

Also: TVGasm has some clips of Cruise's creepy shifts from stagey, insincere laughter to frightening intensity. Can we have Fun Oprah Tom back?