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He's an Oscar-winning director whose mega-budget historical epic flopped, and now recently popped in Beverly Hills for a DUI and drug possession.

He's a former rising star with a Jack Nicholson jones, out to prove that when you've been hitting the bottle and feeling a little grab-assy in the Big Apple, no career is too cold for a public arrest.

He's West Coast. He's East Coast. Somehow, they've both given Smokey the slip, and during a hilarious mix-up at a Missouri truck-stop, they've been handcuffed together with only twenty-four hours to clear their names.

Stone and Slater come tearing out of the greasy spoon and almost immediately find a nearby classic Mustang idling outside, the keys inexplicably left in the ignition. Stone heads for the driver's seat, but Slater yanks the cuff and stops him in his tracks.

SLATER: I think I'll drive.

A blonde hottie with legs up to her neck strolls by. Slater licks his lips and his hands reflexively snarl into ass-grabbing claws.

STONE: Not now.

They exchange knowing smiles, hop in the car, and peel rubber as they hit the open road.

They're Palz on the Run, and they're coming to a theater near you next summer. McG to direct (with every absurd camera angle second-guessed by Stone).